Some Backstory

This week I started with my GRE preparation with I will be posting a subset of my journey as my blogs. As sharing of GregMat premium content on other platforms is probhited and unethical, I will only refer to freely available content if required for revision.

Exam Structure

There are two possibilities:

  • You get 3 Quant sections and 2 Verbal sections. (one of the three Quant section will be unscored i.e. one quant section's score will be not counted)
  • You get 3 Verbal sections and 2 Quant sections. (one of the three Verbal section will be unscored i.e. one Verbal section's score will be not counted.) This unscored section of the three, will be completely random, which you will be unaware of.
  • Number of Sections: 7 (2 Writing + 2 Quant + 2 Verbal) + (1 Unscored "Research" Quant/Verbal section)
  • Each section of approx. 30 minutes.
  • Exam Duration: 230 minutes exam + 10 mins break (after 3 sections) = 240 mins [4 hrs]


Section Minimum Score Maximum Score
Verbal 130 170
Quant 130 170
Writing 0 6

Max Possible Score: 346

Verbal Section

In each verbal section there are total 20 questions. The questions are of three types:

  • Sentence Completion (6): Fill in the blanks.(mostly, two questions of 1 fill-in, two questions with 2 fill-in and two questions with 2 fill-in).
  • Reading (10): Short passage type questions (1 question) or long passage type questions (2 or three or 4 questoins).
  • Sentence Equivalence (4): Fill in the blanks with one blanks. Choose two and both should be correct for the question.

GRE Scoring Algorithm

Adaptive Sections

  • The difficulty level of second verbal section depends on the performance in first verbal section.
  • The difficulty of second Quant section depends on the performance in the first quant section.

The first section has Medium difficulty: Let $S$ be the score out of 20 in first section.

  • if $S \leq 7 $, next section difficulty would be Easy.
  • elif $S \leq 13$, next section difficulty would be Medium.
  • else, next section difficulty would be Hard.

If you get Easy section, you also get a penalty on final marks.

In case of Medium and Easy sections, we get a bonus on final marks.